Put all your eggs in your fuel basket - eggs are a superfood

Easter is normally the time when people eat more eggs than usual. Some still restrict themselves because of being scared of possible health risks. Others just hate doing the peeling because fresh eggs don’t peel well; they usually rip some of the outer layers off with the shell, very annoying as it takes much longer. Fortunately, one lady has done some experimenting and found the best way to get fresh eggs to peel easily and cleanly is steaming them in their shells. Here is the full experiment. Did you know that eggs are filled to the brim with valuable nutrients? Eggs are similar to breast milk by nature; intended to deliver as many important nutrients as possible to help new life grow, after all an egg has everything needed to make a new chicken. Why you shouldn’t eat just any average egg…

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How Zone exercises can enhance your current workout program and improve your life overall

What I like about the Zone exercises is that they integrate mind and body both of which affect each other. Studies have shown that emotional tension is held in different areas of the body depending on what they relate to. Some people carry their tension in their shoulders others in their lower back. Zone related movements can help release and balance tensions a person holds which means you can also affect your posture in a positive way by practicing Zone exercises. You do not have to understand how it works or believe in the approach for it to work. If you prefer to just see this as a gentle exercise routine you will still experience great benefits as you practice with consciousness and awareness of how you body responds to each movement. It is about being in the moment, getting to know your body and listening to how it feels. If you are not ready for traditional still sitting meditation you might find the Zone exercises are a good intermediate step on your way to integration more mindfulness in your life without causing yourself the emotional stress that the thought of still meditation might trigger for you.

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How to stay healthy while traveling, my natural first aid travel kit

Are you planning a long haul trip this year? Worried about your health? Today I will share what I did to stay healthy and well on my recent trip from the UK to Tokyo. How I managed my Ankylosing Spondylitis pain during the long plane journey, how I avoided ear ache and dvt as well as catching a travellers cold, getting affected by gluten exposure, food poisoning and parasite infections.

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Part 2 -How to find the ultimate pre-workout snack that works for you

Let’s look at how to compose the perfect snack that does not leave you with an energy low soon after. Every meal and snack must contain, protein, fat and carbohydrates in the ratios that work best for your metabolic type….why we need to eat fat, meat and a researched-backed reason why carbs are kind of unnecessary. Do you know if you are deficient in any vital nutrients, vitamins or minerals? If you observe your body closely you can quickly learn when you may be missing something. For example it is common for vegetarians to be deficient in Vit B12.

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Part 1 -How to find the ultimate pre-workout snack that works for you

The pre-workout snack does not fuel the workout. Every meal, every day is about fuelling your workouts. It takes many hours to refill your muscle and liver glycogen stores, so until a meal has been processed your body has to rely on existing fat and glycogen reserves to power the workout. If you eat proteins, healthy natural fats and good carbohydrates such as vegetables and some fruits and the occasional white rice or sweet potato you will have plenty of muscle glycogen to fuel your activities. Run your own experiment…

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5 benefits of stress management and reasons to do tai chi before you draw your pension

You know you lead a stressful life in Leeds, you have been thinking about adopting a mindfulness practice to manage your stress but you are not sure what method would suit you? Your friends are recommending yoga but you feel bending into strange shapes it is not for you after trying it? You feel intimidated by the idea of sitting meditation because you think you are not allowed to have thoughts or feel you need more movement in your life? Have you thought about trying a form of Tai Chi Qigong?

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Movement is more important than exercise. -Revelation!

Did you know Movement is essential to keeping your body healthy? Pumping of body fluids aids in removal of waste and delivery of nutrients to all tissues, including organs and glands. With lack of movement the body becomes stagnant and toxic. Although you would hope going to the gym after work would keep you healthy, research has shown that taking an exercise class once a day does not suffice in keeping your systems pumping and your body healthy.

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Why I do not teach crunches in my class

Sometimes I am asked why I do not include crunches in my FAB ABS group fitness classes. I have done considerable research on the best and safest ways to strengthen your core and this post should explain my reasons for omitting them and exactly what my class is designed to achieve. So are crunches bad for you? Crunches aren’t necessarily bad; they’re just terribly overused. Doing some crunches is fine when done on a Swiss ball that supports going through the full range of movement, letting the rectus abdominus (six pack) stretch on extension. The main job of your abs is not to look good, but to switch on at the right time to support the spine in complex daily movement or sports and protect it from injury.

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Why crunches are not getting rid of your pooch belly

“What can I do about this?” (a young girl pinching herself into the non existing tummy fat) is one of the most common questions I get after exercise classes I teach in Leeds. I felt I should share a little bit of education on the reasons for why your belly may not look how you would like it to even though you are training your abs every day. Read this before you even go in and attempt to do something about the body fat, you may be surprised how many things other than exercise affect your body fat and belly fat. I want to help you stop wasting time and energy addressing the problem with the wrong tools.

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3 things you can try to ease muscle pain

Whether your muscle pain has been caused by a strenuous workout, a strain, by bad posture, sitting at a desk all day or by a chronic inflammatory condition such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or ankylosing spondylitis (AS) below are 3 non-invasive things that can easily give you relief without breaking the bank.

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