How to get better results from your fitness training by incorporating adequate recovery

Like many of you, I have over-exercised by running too many miles and instructing unhealthy numbers of exercise classes each week; none of which resolved my body image/ weight issues and largely contributed to my mental and physical ill health. Yes I know, it is commonly prescribed to exercise more and to eat a lot less, but does it work? Does it make you feel good, is it sustainable long term, will it change your body shape permanently? Well – no, generally it does not. There is a limit to what your body can cope with in the long run. If you keep doing several intense classes at the gym or running many miles each week you will eventually experience symptoms of over training see the list

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Part 1 -How to find the ultimate pre-workout snack that works for you

The pre-workout snack does not fuel the workout. Every meal, every day is about fuelling your workouts. It takes many hours to refill your muscle and liver glycogen stores, so until a meal has been processed your body has to rely on existing fat and glycogen reserves to power the workout. If you eat proteins, healthy natural fats and good carbohydrates such as vegetables and some fruits and the occasional white rice or sweet potato you will have plenty of muscle glycogen to fuel your activities. Run your own experiment…

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Why crunches are not getting rid of your pooch belly

“What can I do about this?” (a young girl pinching herself into the non existing tummy fat) is one of the most common questions I get after exercise classes I teach in Leeds. I felt I should share a little bit of education on the reasons for why your belly may not look how you would like it to even though you are training your abs every day. Read this before you even go in and attempt to do something about the body fat, you may be surprised how many things other than exercise affect your body fat and belly fat. I want to help you stop wasting time and energy addressing the problem with the wrong tools.

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