The easy tai chi sequence - Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi

Today I will give a short introduction to the Shibashi sequence I teach and practice. Shibashi is really nice as it is simple and allows everyone, novice or experienced, to practice and relax together. If you thought tai chi has to be serious and martial arts focused think again, this is definitely different, much more in line with a group fitness class such as Yoga. If you have been following me for a while you may have already read the “5 benefits of stress management and reasons to do tai chi before you draw your pension” and “I didn’t like tai chi…”, I think both of these posts are helpful for anyone that is hesitant about incorporating a slow movement practice into their fitness schedule just as much as I was once.

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How Zone exercises can enhance your current workout program and improve your life overall

What I like about the Zone exercises is that they integrate mind and body both of which affect each other. Studies have shown that emotional tension is held in different areas of the body depending on what they relate to. Some people carry their tension in their shoulders others in their lower back. Zone related movements can help release and balance tensions a person holds which means you can also affect your posture in a positive way by practicing Zone exercises. You do not have to understand how it works or believe in the approach for it to work. If you prefer to just see this as a gentle exercise routine you will still experience great benefits as you practice with consciousness and awareness of how you body responds to each movement. It is about being in the moment, getting to know your body and listening to how it feels. If you are not ready for traditional still sitting meditation you might find the Zone exercises are a good intermediate step on your way to integration more mindfulness in your life without causing yourself the emotional stress that the thought of still meditation might trigger for you.

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5 benefits of stress management and reasons to do tai chi before you draw your pension

You know you lead a stressful life in Leeds, you have been thinking about adopting a mindfulness practice to manage your stress but you are not sure what method would suit you? Your friends are recommending yoga but you feel bending into strange shapes it is not for you after trying it? You feel intimidated by the idea of sitting meditation because you think you are not allowed to have thoughts or feel you need more movement in your life? Have you thought about trying a form of Tai Chi Qigong?

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I didn’t like tai chi…

You go hard in the gym, you party hard and spend more time than 9-5 at work, it is likely that your body is sending you signals pleading for stress management and me time on a regular basis. You think stress management is a waste of time, boring or too spiritual? You haven’t tried the Leeds Tai Chi Body Flow class yet. It works whether you believe in chi/ qi which is described as life energy or vital force or not. All you need to do is join in and breathe you will increase your vitality or chi automatically.

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