Why the RICE principle prevents sports injuries from healing

Healing is actually an inflammatory process. Applying ice to reduces swelling actually delays healing by preventing the body from triggering the inflammatory healing response as well as restricting the delivery of vital nutrients to the cells in the injured area. Apart from missing out on the initial healing process you may also experience tissue to die from decreased blood flow as well as permanent nerve damage. Pain killers such as Ibuprofen or Diclofenac do more damage then good. Realise that they are called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory because they block the enzymes that trigger both swelling and pain. Anything that reduces inflammation also delays healing!

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Traumeel, a natural way to tend sore muscles and minor sports injuries

Do you regularly get sore after pushing it in the gym? Do you have a chronic achilles tendonitis or plantar fasciitis that is taking the fun out of walking let alone jumping about in a fitness class? I would suggest you try Taumeel ointment, it helped me tremendously on various occasions. Find out which issues I have sorted out apart from DOMS sore muscles from exercising and Ankylosing Spondylitis related pain.

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How Zone exercises can enhance your current workout program and improve your life overall

What I like about the Zone exercises is that they integrate mind and body both of which affect each other. Studies have shown that emotional tension is held in different areas of the body depending on what they relate to. Some people carry their tension in their shoulders others in their lower back. Zone related movements can help release and balance tensions a person holds which means you can also affect your posture in a positive way by practicing Zone exercises. You do not have to understand how it works or believe in the approach for it to work. If you prefer to just see this as a gentle exercise routine you will still experience great benefits as you practice with consciousness and awareness of how you body responds to each movement. It is about being in the moment, getting to know your body and listening to how it feels. If you are not ready for traditional still sitting meditation you might find the Zone exercises are a good intermediate step on your way to integration more mindfulness in your life without causing yourself the emotional stress that the thought of still meditation might trigger for you.

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How to stay healthy while traveling, my natural first aid travel kit

Are you planning a long haul trip this year? Worried about your health? Today I will share what I did to stay healthy and well on my recent trip from the UK to Tokyo. How I managed my Ankylosing Spondylitis pain during the long plane journey, how I avoided ear ache and dvt as well as catching a travellers cold, getting affected by gluten exposure, food poisoning and parasite infections.

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Video interview and transcript about my experience with Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Ankylosing Spondylitis

It was so exciting to find LDN medication for Ankylosing Spodylitis. When I found it, it took me about 2, 3 weeks to make my mind up to actually try to get the prescription because I was scared that it might be a false hope. I took it on the Thursday night – when I woke up in the morning I felt like I was never ill. I was straight (my posture), and the day before I was curled up, it was amazing! Anyone with AS should try it, you have got nothing to lose.

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3 things you can try to ease muscle pain

Whether your muscle pain has been caused by a strenuous workout, a strain, by bad posture, sitting at a desk all day or by a chronic inflammatory condition such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or ankylosing spondylitis (AS) below are 3 non-invasive things that can easily give you relief without breaking the bank.

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